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July 6, 2022
Andrew Mckenna-Foster
Reporting on a repository’s contents and reuse is an essential component for assessing impact and value of the repository on the institution as a whole. This webinar will outline multiple ways to gather statistics that can be shared with researchers and administrators.
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Hello, everyone. I'm just going to wait a few more minutes, see.
Give time for other folks to come into the room, And then we'll get started.
OK, Uh, I think I'm going to get going here. Thank you everyone for joining today.
My name is Andrew McKenna-Foster and a Product Specialists at Figshare.
I'll be conducting the webinar today.
I think I'm going to turn off my video should still be able to hear me.
If you have a few housekeeping things, this is the 30 minute webinar.
So go by very quickly. If you have questions, please put them in the question box.
Goto Webinar.
I, if I see them, I'll just answer them immediately, but otherwise have preserved just a little bit of time at the end to answer questions. And today I'm going to just be giving an overview of all the ways that you can collect information from your picture repository.
Two, to report on and and understand what's going on with the repository.
A few things, first, I want to mention there are, we actually have quite a few other webinars coming up. I've just cherry picked a few of them here.
So you can see the role of funders in publishing and sharing research data publications and conference materials coming up in August.
How to Figshare integrates and augments research information management systems in September.
We have the State of Open Data 2022 Presentation.
Coming up with Plans for October, I want to mention that the, The State of Open Data 2022 survey is still open, ended up until July 18th.
This QR code will take you to the survey page.
So, please share widely with researchers or anyone who might be, you know, trying to share data openly.
Um, and we will close the survey July 18th and then hopefully be presenting on the results in October.
And then another webinar coming up in November is The Big Share API for End Users.
The audience for this webinar is, anyone who's managing a secure repository. So, if you are a researcher on picture dot com, the free account webinar's probably not going to be the most useful for you.
But if you are someone who's running a repository based on fixture, or someone who needs information from that repository, this should be the good point of information for you.
Um, So, the specific things I'm going to cover today, I'm going to mention, of course, the administrative staff dashboard that's available to administrators and the reporting role. User role.
I'm gonna mention the optional public dashboard.
That's you can optionally make public, but it's always available to administrators.
I will also mention the user report that's available to administrators, briefly cover the API statistics endpoints. And then I'm going to end, talking about ways you can gather information using the new Batch Management Tool that we recently launched. I think it was just in, in April, so ways you can report on all that metadata. And I do want to mention that picture incorporates information, pulls information from all metrics and dimensions.
two of our sister companies within digital science.
And so I will mention using some of that information and of course if you have a subscription or metric or dimensions, that just gives you even more reporting power.
So without further ado I'm going to talk about statistics using team FIG share repository so this is a part of the, you know the fixture universita repository that we at fixture use for slides, presentations, online resources related to FIG share and the state of open data.
As you can see, I'm logged in as an administrator. And because of that I have a statistics link here so this link is available to me as an administrator.
And also if I had the reporting role as a user in the repository and I was a reporter, I would be able to access this stats dashboard.
So, this is based on Cubana platform, ..., and a You can look it up if you want even more details on the platform itself.
And this is a quick kind of orientation, we can select, what stats want to see it in terms of the time duration, and in the past, relative and absolute options here.
Then, the rest of the dashboard is made up of these frames. that can be charts, maps, tables, just numbers.
And a big takeaway here is that we can customize this for you.
So, the dashboard that we have here in Team Picture is basically just our basic setup.
But if you want, you know, this chart up here, This is the count of views by the ... Share item types.
If you want this to be something different, that can be done most likely. And. just send a support ticket in support at picture dot com.
And um.
And ask and they will tell you what's possible, but you know, perhaps this could be the count of items instead of accounting views.
Can even change some of the charts so in the right, we see the number items in categories over time.
And it's the views for each of those categories, so. there are lots of opportunities to gather lots of different types of information. Just a few other things.
Everything in this dashboard is downloadable as a CSV and so there's these little buttons that appear at the bottom left.
And we can see all the information in a table format, that can download that, in the, in the raw format or the formatted format.
Um, And if, if there's a key a legend, that can also appear there to, these stats are updated hourly.
So, on this map, does zoom in here for to show up.
So, information on the map is, is updated hourly as well.
On this map, is views and downloads. Of course, you can have this just views, or you can have it just downloads, and to make this a little more interesting, I'm gonna actually do last five years.
We don't use this repository heavily.
So not all the statistics will be that interesting, if I didn't, at the five years or so. We have a table of the count of views coming from different countries.
And you can see some of the other charts available in the pie chart, by, in this case, uploads by item type in the repository.
Another bar chart uploads by group.
At least the top 10, um, and here are examples of just straight numbers. So we have the number of deposits, number of depositors.
Number of bytes used, total views and total downloads.
And then, at the bottom, we have our tables with statistical events and uploads.
And once again, all this is downloadable as a CSV file.
There are some other options that we don't have setup in team picture. Right now. So, word clouds are possibilities, area, charts, heat maps are also a possibility.
So, if there is something you'd like to see in your dashboard, then just send a ticket into support, and they can tell you if it's possible and get that setup for you.
And same as I mentioned before, if you just want to change something, you know, if you want to change this from number of depositors to something else, sorry John and changes from that, the upload item type to something else, very, um, easy to do.
So, this is the administrative dashboard. You have to be an administrator to see it. There's a another dashboard that you may have publicly available on your repository, because the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, they have the statistics visible and a link to more statistics.
And if we click on that link brings us to a public page that has some of the same information that we just saw, but also different information.
So, we can narrow down these statistics by group or by item type.
And again, we can change the timeframe, and we can see views and downloads over time, another version of the map.
Top items, top groups, categories, and top referrals.
So you could also, you know, you can have top referrals in your administrative dashboard, if you want it as a word cloud, for example.
Now some repositories don't have that publicly available, so Iowa State University doesn't have that publicly available but it's you can still get to it if you're an administrator. If you log into your repository and at the end, it won't work for me. Because I'm not an administrator here. Just slash stats.
It'll take you to a page and I can show that here. So I'm just going to take the ...
FIG share, URL and.
And now we can see that the team fix share extra dashboards, visible to us, but not publicly.
So those are the user interface reporting options.
But there's a lot of other information sources that might be useful for reporting.
And, one of them, is available to Administrators.
Under the administration page, and it's the user report.
Like, go to the user tab, and I can select all or some of my users here, and get download a user report. So, this is only really useful.
Of course, if you have users in your repository, if you're setting up accounts for researchers, are there they're setting it up through Single sign on.
Or, perhaps you have a user account that's managing all the items owns all the items in, in various groups, you know, electronic theses and dissertations, Open access papers, or something like that.
You could use this as a way to get our reporting for those groups, as well. So I've actually already downloaded this and pre opened it.
This is what it looks like.
You'd have a list where in the Accounts tab, you might have a much longer list than we do.
one quick note when you download this report, the columns are usually frozen. So you'll probably need to go to view and in whatever program you're using and unfreeze the columns.
So that you'll be able to see all the, all the columns.
Um, and rather than scrolling across here, I have, we have some field definitions here as well. And I actually added this into this report, but this is available online, this set of definitions here.
Um, so just super briefly, there's information about the account itself and all the items, both public and private that they own, whether they're embargoed.
It will tell you the number of co-authors on items.
So, on, in this example, let's take, I can scroll to that.
Say, here we go, so 125 co authors.
So it doesn't actually list out the co-authors, but it'll tell you, I know you could start with a sheet by who has the most co-authors, how much space they're using storage wise and then information about projects.
So, if you, so projects are collaborative, collaborative, collaborative space, both internal and external, and, so you can get some information about How many projects a person's part on, whether the reviewers are a collaborator.
And you can also see what universities are linked to projects within your repository, so if you are using projects, if you are If you do have researchers using projects, it can be very useful way to see there's no external collaborations.
Few last things, reporting on collections, a way to package items together under one DOI, then we get to statistical events, so views and downloads by items, and then views for collections and projects.
Then finally, the Alt Metrics score for that account is included in the report, but at the end, maybe, maybe some folks miss it, but it is there.
And old metric, I'm just going to scroll across to see that on this report.
Always says that the number itself is, you know, this high level, kind of just overall indication of attention to attention from the internet to a digital object. And you really need to look at the actual information and data, promote metric to figure out what the impact might be. But having that in this report means that you can sort accounts by the ones who are maybe attracting the most attention, and then you can dig deeper. So, that's nice to have in there, as well.
Um, so, the statistics in general, come from the, uh, the fix share API.
So that's this next section. I'm not going to go into a lot of detail here. But the API that docs, that fixture dot com.
And I'm are, I've already navigated to the stats section on the website here on the left, and so it's switched.
So lots of information about these endpoints, But specifically there's an endpoint to see the geolocation, so you can get a list of where views are coming from.
There is a timeline so you can see views over time.
For example, The tops end point which allows you to see top items by views or shares or downloads can associate top authors, collections, groups, and projects.
You can see the total views, downloads, or shares by these different entities.
Then there's also an endpoint to count articles. So, perhaps this is useful if you wanted to create some custom reporting, This is one way that's that, you can do that. And I actually will put on our, we have a help page, how to use the fixture API.
And I'll work in progress. But I do have a very simple script that will add to this page.
There'll be a link to it, um, kinda what it will look like.
But it's a way that, you know, if you're not, if you're not an experienced programmer, this is a way just to get started. It's a way to call some of those endpoints.
If you're calling, if you're querying fixture dot com, you don't need a token.
But if you're working with your own repository, you'll need to create a token for an account, and then you can start calling those endpoints with a script so that'll be available on this page.
Just to show you what's possible with the Picture API, the University of Sheffield as it has done a lot of work creating custom interfaces for their users, for their repository.
This is an example of a user profile page. And they put all the statistics in here.
So, information about views and downloads, sites and shares, added some interesting charts here.
Downloads and views, and then the size represents the number of items by type, so that's, that's really interesting to see.
Next party chart, a table of information.
And then all the items themselves, so this is what's possible if you have developer resources. The API endpoints allow you to do this kind of thing.
So um, we're actually getting close to the end here.
I wanted to end today talking about our new batch management tool and how that be used As a source of information or reporting.
So I'm going to go back to team picture here.
And if you have an administrator login, you will have this batch management link.
We're going to do a webinar on this at some point probably this Autumn, to talk about all the how, how everything work here. I'm going to focus on just the download section here.
But you can use this to upload metadata and files in batch.
But you can also use this just to download all the metadata from your repository.
Whether you can just look at private metadata or public metadata, do all the metadata, or metadata from a specific group.
So, in this case, we can download all the public metadata. Maybe this is for individual reporting, or something.
Um, and this will e-mail you that file, T two, whatever e-mails associated with your account, I've already done this and have an example up here.
This is what the download looks like.
Um, it includes a subset of the metadata that is available with, with every item or collection, So, this isn't everything, but it includes all the fields that you'd you'd actively like, edit, or add to.
And there's somebody things could be very useful for reporting. So, some things are already in the stats dashboard, you know, like, information about item types, that's probably already there, but you have it here, funding information is included here. So, funding can be added as free text, or linked to dimensions records.
In this case, this was a free text entry. It looks like it's not linked to a dimensions ID.
But, some of these are, so, in this case, this has a dimensions ID, a grant ID, from dimensions. So, you can see how these are formatted in JSON. Now, you could break all this out, using a, you know, texts to column each features in Excel or Google Sheets, and Find and Replace, and all that.
to get, say, all the grant title than one column to report on, I'm going to show you how to do that, using a script that as well. Some other information in this file that might be useful.
Whether, you can report on whether things have references, and, you know, how connected things are, report on the licenses that are used in the repository.
Lots of information related to the embargo state of items, and then I want to mention, one last thing, that the resource title and DOI is here as well.
So, this is that link to a published, paper related to the item in that repository, could be useful to report on how many items in your repository are linked to published papers.
So, as I mentioned, you have this spreadsheet, if you're comfortable working in spreadsheets, then you can use pivot tables or whatever Need to summarize this.
I did make a script that I will once again, make available on how to use the Picture API homepage.
That takes this information and puts it into a slightly easier format and also gathers a little extra information that might be useful.
I really see this just as a starting point.
If you are interested in, you know, customizing your reporting, you might be able to use this as a starting point. I won't.
I'm not going to like go into detail on this, but basically it opens up that batch download file.
Converts it into a JSON format format.
It collects views and downloads for every item, and it goes in and collect the funder name. From the Picture API as well, so you can actually report on if it's a if it's a link to a dimensions grant record.
You can pull in the specific funder name to report on that.
That funder name is not included as part of this, the metadata in this funding column, and then it also does some summaries for you. So let's say, in this case, it's pulling out some more of those JSON formatted entries in the spreadsheet.
And we can see the number, the licenses and and how many items are using each license type. We get a little summary of what's, how many files or items are embargoed, metadata only, or linked files. And then here's the report.
Or just the number and percentage of items that are linked to Publish, so, possibly useful for someone out there. And then for funder name, we can see the, the funder, and the number item items it's part of.
Then it's also, well, graph it, So it just trying to provide, like, lots of different options. This can be changed to, you know, graph different or chart different fields.
Standardizing the, the the views by the number of items actually changes the chart I should mention this is use on the Y axis and the funder name on the X axis.
We can see that the Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering, they only have three items, but they have quite a few views per item.
Then, finally, you can do this by grant name.
And, this last chart here is just the top 10 categories.
In the repository, this is the count of the number of items using that category term.
So, uh, just some suggestions of possible ways to use that batch download to add to your reporting.
So, I've covered I've kinda skimmed across the top of of reporting here and given a kind of high level view, but I hope that it's at least giving you an idea of what's available and maybe giving you an idea of, of things that you haven't thought about reporting on yet.
I'm always available to answer questions. If I don't know the answer, of course, I can track down the answer for you.
Once again, if you do have questions specific by or your stats dashboards, the best thing to do is send a support ticket in support at ... dot com.
And you can also ask me, as well.
So I think I'm going to end there, and let's see.
I hope people have been able to hear me.
Looks like there's a question.
It looks like my sound was breaking up. I'm sorry about that.
Hopefully, you can all hear me OK.
Are there any other questions? Are there any questions?
No questions coming in right now.
This recording will be available.
On our second, actually, on a new website or a page that we're setting up, so that'll be available to you, one to watch it again. And I will make those API scripts available on that API help page, if those are useful for anyone.
And if there, it doesn't look like any questions have come in.
So, check the chat.
And, um, so I think we'll, we'll end it here. I want to thank everyone for attending today, Really appreciate it, and I hope to see you at future webinars.
Thanks again.