Figshare product updates: June 2023


Figshare product updates: June 2023 

This month we’ve released some exciting updates for both Figshare for Institutions and users. 

This post contains a summary of the key developments, but if you’d like to read the full release notes, you can do that here.


Figshare for institutions

  • Institutional administrators will now be able to request the addition of up to 5 custom search facets based on their custom metadata fields. This will allow users to filter content in the repository based on custom metadata 

  • Improvements to the ‘related materials’ metadata: users will be able to add richer metadata for materials linked to Figshare items
  • Search results highlight: search terms will now be highlighted in search results 
  • Item title markup: new text editing abilities for item titles 

Custom search facets for custom metadata 

Previously, there was no way of filtering search results based on custom metadata fields. As part of our ongoing improvements to the search functionality across Figshare, the new search system will make it possible to filter search results based on custom metadata fields. 

The first phase of this particular development has been released this month and administrators will be able to request (via support) the addition of up to 5 search facets based on their predetermined custom metadata fields. 

Once enabled, all items on the repository will be reindexed and users will be able to filter search results based on these values. 

The next phase of this development will enable users to perform searches limited to the custom fields, using advanced search operators. does not include custom metadata fields therefore the ‘search on’ checkbox on search pages will be replaced by a link that will redirect users to the search page. 

(N:B - Similarly to the new custom facets that were added last month, this new search feature is currently in beta testing under the ‘[repository]’ path).

Screenshot showing custom facets added in line with the custom metadata fields, such as ‘research priority area’ 

Related materials 

Previously on Figshare items, you could only add references as URLs or DOIs. 

In order to allow for richer metadata and to increase our compliance with current metadata standards, Figshare users will now be able to provide much more information on materials that are linked to Figshare items. 

For each ‘related material’, users will be able to select what type of material it is and add an identifier, as well as have the option to provide a title and distinguish the type of ‘relation’ - as defined in the DataCite Schema

When users have added their related materials, a maximum of 5 will be displayed in separate ‘call-out’ boxes on the public item pages. 

Example of call out boxes on the public item pages for related materials. 

Example of adding and editing related materials on a Figshare item. 

Information on these related materials will be available across the platform, including via the API. Existing ‘references’ across Figshare will automatically be converted to related materials. 

(N:B - this change is for and all Figshare for Institutions repositories that are FoR2020 migrated and therefore using the new edit item interface). 

Search results highlight 

In an exciting visual update, search terms will now be highlighted in search results. 

This is part of ongoing improvements to the search functionality and experience across Figshare and search terms will now be highlighted in the returned results, whether this be in the item title or the metadata of an individual item. 

You can see some examples of what this will look like below! 

Example of highlighted search term in search results on the search page 

Example of highlighted search term on an individual item page. 

Item title markup 

A text editor has been added to the item title box on the edit item page in order to allow users to easily add markup to item titles. 

This markup will be visible in both the ‘My data’ page and also on the item page itself. 

Example of a published title with markup 

Example of editing a title with markup 

May 31, 2023 8:40

This is a reposted article from our blog, the original article can be found at:

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