figshare help

Figshare Subprocessors

The following group and third party entities may be used in connection with Figshare products, including to provide hosting and infrastructure services and customer and technical support and which may therefore involve the processing of personal data:

Affiliate NameLocation
Digital Science & Research Solutions LtdUK
Digital Science & Research SRLRomania

Third Party Service Provider Name*Location
Amazon Web ServicesUS (server location may differ)
ScalewayAmsterdam and Paris

*Please note that not all service providers will be used for every customer and third parties involved in the scholarly content infrastructure, such as content preservation network participants and DOI registration agencies, are not included.

When we bring on a new subprocessor who processes personal information, or we change how we use a current subprocessor, we will update this page. If you have questions or concerns about any of the above, we'd be happy to chat with you. Please contact us at

For more information about personal data, please see our Privacy Policy.

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